“A Prairie Home Companion” is a faithful adaptation of the long running NPR radio show penned by Garrison Keillor. This was Robert Altman’s final film. Warner Archive has given it a proper Blu-ray release.
Warner Archive have given “The Return of Doctor X” an attractive Blu-ray release. This is a curio because it is the only science-fiction horror film to feature Humphrey Bogart.
Legends of the Fall was too heartfelt and emotional for the critics of its time, but audiences responded to the film then and now. Based on the novella by acclaimed author Jim Harrison, Edward Zwick’s film realizes the full potential of the text. Sony’s UHD is gorgeous.
”The Hitcher” was misunderstood by critics, but it is one of the best thrillers of the Eighties. Featuring one of the great villain performances by Rutger Hauer, the film is now on 4K!
In a world of remakes and sequels, Aguirre, the Wrath of God remains a singular achievement from one of the great maverick filmmakers, Werner Herzog. The film is beautifully made and a testament to maniacally pursued dreams. Shout! Factory’s 4K edition is remarkable.
Michael Curtiz’s “The Walking Dead” is an interesting combination of gangster/science fiction/ supernatural revenge genre films that showcases Boris Karloff. Warner Archive has meticulously restored the film.
Christopher Guest’s last collaboration with Eugene Levy “For Your Consideration” has been given a Blu-ray release by Warner Archive. Time has been kind to the film and it deserves reappraisal by fans of their earlier works.
“Journey Into Fear” is a somewhat less successful collaboration between Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles which has been beautifully restored by Warner Archive.
“Boiling Point” is one of the most authentic dramas to take place in a kitchen ever made. The film by Philip Barantini features a blistering performance by Stephen Graham.