Warner Archive has given Curtis Bernhardt’s 1945 film noir “Conflict” a Blu-ray release. Humphrey Bogart stars as a man who kills his wife to be with her sister.
MGM has given Martin Ritt’s 1961 film “Paris Blues” a Blu-ray release. Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, and Sidney Poitier in Paris jazz clubs with a score by Duke Ellington make this one hard to resist.
“The Lady from Shanghai” is a deliriously strange film noir. Directed by Orson Welles, the film was recut by the studio, but still works. Rita Hayworth dazzles as a bombshell blonde. Sony has given the film a 4K UHD release.
Warner has gone the extra mile to present “The Mask of Fu Manchu” in its original ludicrous and racially problematic grandeur. Boris Karloff and Mirna Loy shine in one of the most over-the-top pre-code pictures.
“Casablanca” is an emotionally rewarding and thrilling war time classic that deserves all the acclaim that has been heaped on it since its initial theatrical release. The 4K UHD from Warner Bros. earns our very highest recommendation!
In 2018, Twilight Time released the excellent thriller “The Incident” on Blu-ray. The film shows off a wonderful debut performance by Martin Sheen alongside Tony Musante.
The classic gangster film “Angels with Dirty Faces” – starring James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, Humphrey Bogart, and Ann Sheridan – has been given a beautiful release from Warner Archive.
Starring Robert Young, “They Won’t Believe Me” is an unforgiving and unsentimental film noir about a philandering stock broker and his disastrous love affairs. WB Archive has given the film a great looking release.
“The Thing from Another World” ranks as one of the most influential science fiction horror films ever made. The Warner Archive release features a beautiful transfer.
Warner Archive continues their fantastic work restoring Val Lewton films with their release of “Isle of the Dead” starring the iconic Boris Karloff. Fans of Lewton will want to add it to their collection for the beautiful new transfer sourced from a 4K scan.
The Thin Man introduced the world to married sleuths Nick and Nora Charles. Based on the novel by Dashiell Hammett, the film is a pitch perfect blend of comedy and mystery that still holds up wonderfully. Warner Archive have given the film a Blu-ray release.